These are the socks I have knit so far this week. A pair for Katie on the left, and the other two pairs are up for grabs for $19 a pair. If you are interested and in town, send me a note in the contact form. They are a woman’s size 8-9. If you like the purple ones on the left, I can get more of that yarn in a couple of days.
Step by Step
This post is a link to the step-by-step instructions I made to help myself make a wrapped heel and toe on the CSM. It is free to those crankers who are interested. When I first started with my CSM I needed a detailed set of instructions to help be successful cranking out a wrapped heel and toe. I based it on the manual I received with my machine and watching You Tube videos. I make no guarantees it will work for you or that it is error free. You can also let the yarn auto-wrap around the latch instead of physically putting it behind the needle. This has come to be know as the Sue-icide method. Even when I make the auto wrap heel and toe, I still manually wrap the first and last increase needles around the back on each side as per the .pdf below
Measured Steps Socks

Do you know how hard it is to take a good picture of your own feet? I have gotten better at it over the years since I have always loved handknit socks and enjoyed documenting my creations on Ravelry, Facebook and my blog. Now I am selling my own line of handmade socks.
These short Measured Steps socks are fun and funky sport socks of a machine washable and dryable, 50% merino wool, 25% rayon from bamboo and 25% nylon blend yarn. They are soft and comfortable and handmade on my circular sock knitting machine. You. can read more about that here. They are made with the ideal yarn for summer socks, wool for moisture control and softness, bamboo for coolness, and nylon for durability.
Because I got the yarn at a good price, I am just getting started in the business and want you all to know the joy of handmade socks, I am currently taking orders for women’s sizes 6-9 and offering them for a special introductory price of $14 a pair to my readers and friends (paid in cash and picked up). If you want them mailed to you, it will be an extra $2 to cover Paypal fees and postage. There is a limit of one pair per person at this special price and you must order by Friday, May 22. If you are local, use the “contact” form in the right sidebar (or below if you are on mobile) to let me know. If you are out of town, please place your order through my store. In either case, I will contact you for color and sizing details and let you know how long it will be before I can get them made.
The colors available right now are below. Your computer screen may render the colors slightly different than the actual color, but they are very close on my screen.
Yarn #s 1 & 2 on the right will produce a “Fairisle” look like the pair above.

The yarns on the left (#s 3,4 & 5) will produce a striped pattern similar to this.
Again, send me a note using the contact form to order or use my store if you are out of town.
Once again, I forgot to to take pictures at the end of one of my classes. Today my “Tuesday Knitters” finished their felted clogs. One was a woman’s size and the other a child’s size. The child size pair was completely adorable. I may have to knit a pair just because they are cute, but sorry, no photo.
Last weekend, I did remember to take a picture at the conclusion of my Rigid Heddle Weaving class. It was a more advanced class and they wove my “Stripes and Floats” pattern. Click on the pics for a closer look.
Round and Round I Go
I have been spending hours each day learning on the sock machine. I am having some successes finally, so feel like I am breaking out of the learning curve. The above socks are the same size, fit me and came out as I expected after knitting a sample tube and doing some calculations with a little spreadsheet I made. It seems to work!
This pair is lovely, but came out too big for me, but Mom can wear them.
I plan on knitting a pair a day for the next week, so look for a quick daily post.